4 points for LION when Ben is game hunting

As we all saw in the news
So, it was an American Dentist with a penchant for shooting things with a bow and arrow that killed poor Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe. Not a brilliant advert for the profession and the story has had major worldwide attention as one would expect. Obviously we will all have our own opinion on whether what Walter Palmer was doing was legal or illegal, whether he was being totally immoral or just 'enjoying his leisure time' and whether he should face poaching charges. I will leave you to make your own decisions on where you stand as Mr Palmer stated in the letter he sent to his patients to apologise "because it can be a divisive and emotionally charged topic". However, I do wish to reassure you all that although Ben can occasionally be seen wearing a pith helmet in public (don't ask!), the only real game he hunts is Scrabble and LION is only worth 4 points so I think you are all safe in his hands.