Ben's top 24 - yes 24!! benefits of gum treatment

Who would have thought there could be so many benefits of looking after your gums? Ben doesn't often get a chance to get a word in edgeways as I am always withering on about something or other but today is Ben's day and what he has to say is very important and could change your life so please read and tell your friends and family.
Ben's top 24 benefits of gum treatment
- You don’t lose you teeth
- You don’t have bad breath
- You gums don’t bleed
- If you have loose teeth they will get firmer
- Your mouth will feel fresher
- You will appreciate your food better
- You will get rid of any bad taste in your mouth
- You will stop or slow down the loss of bone from around your teeth
- Your gums won’t look swollen
- You will be able to chew better
- You feel more confident about your teeth
- You will like seeing your dentist/hygienist more
- You can reduce you blood sugar and potentially slow down the onset of Diabetes
- You will appreciate the feeling of having beautifully clean teeth
- You will be better suited to having implants or bridge placed as opposed to a plastic denture
- It can help slow down the thickening of your artery walls
- It will improve your self esteem
- You will reduce the number of fillings you subsequently need
- You will save money by needing less dental work
- You will feel more attractive
- You will know how to really clean your teeth
- If you have implants you can prevent them failing and save an awful lot of anguish
- Your dentist/hygienist will see that you are motivated and will enjoy seeing you more!
- Healthy gums will enhance your smile
What more is there to say - if you think you might benefit from having gum treatment pop in and see us, call us on 01392 278843 or book an appointment via our website