Keeeeeep Smiling!

We've had a fabulous time during National Smile Month trying to get as many people as we can in Exeter smiling. Highlights for me were the day I spent at the Devon County Show where I met Natalie Cornah from Spotlight and a prize winning sheep amongst others, the wonderful teams at the Diabetes Centre and Force Cancer support at the RD&E and of course Gerald the Giraffe at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum - he was very good and stood beautifully still for me! You can see all the photos on our Facebook page.
Our Smile Tree
Our Smile Tree has been a great success - there are over 100 hearts on it with children, grandchildren and pets featuring heavily. Others that made me smile were 'the Specsavers adverts', 'a good round of golf', 'Exeter City winning' and even 'coming to see Ben' (twice)!
If you recall, National Smile Month is brought to us by the British Dental Health Foundation and it is a reminder to:
- Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste.
- Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drink
- Visit the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend
#Exetersmiling might be over by the weekend but that is no excuse to stop - as they say on Strictly Come Dancing - Keeeeeeep Smiling!