Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how beautiful your branches!

The Christmas tree in Reception is stunning! I know that because I chose it and I walk past it numerous times a day and it always makes me smile. It is a Nordman Fir (I know it's dropping it's needles already and yes I am watering it daily) and is particularly lovely because it is being adorned with very special decorations.
We are asking our patients to write on a decoration what they would like for Christmas and then Ben will choose one at random on Christmas Eve and that person will receive the gift of their choice (he's not allowed to choose his own!). What is most interesting however is the fact that very few people are asking for enormous expensive gifts (apart from Ben who has asked for a chainsaw!) and people are finding it hard to think of something that they really want. So much so that there are a good sprinkling of requests for donations to favourite charities and things that money can't buy mainly peace and good health.
Chloe tells me that even the children don't have extravagant tastes and have been asking for more traditional things like books, lego and a Mini Cooper toy which is reassuring!
I'm pleased that the spirit of Christmas is amongst us all - I love the general feeling of happiness, merriment and excitement everywhere not to mention the Christmas carols and songs in the office all day for us to sing along to. Not long to go now - only 18 sleeps to Santa!
Oh and don't forget to follow that naughty little #DentalElf on Facebook and Twitter. He has moved into the Practice and is causing mischief on a daily basis - I'm trying to keep him away from the tree!