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Sunflower Competition

Thanks to everyone who took part

Our Sunflower Competition raised an enormous £884.01 for the Aged UK Exeter Budding Friends Allotment scheme.

A massive thank you to everyone who already joined! We hope that nurturing your sunflowers over the summer months has given you something to smile about!

If you want to be considered for Champion Grower then it is nearly time to let us know how tall your sunflower is. There are two categories - under 11’s and over 11’s with a prize for the tallest sunflower in each category.

Please email me at with your name and contact details before midnight on Sunday 11th September if you wish your sunflower to be considered for the prize.

We will then contact the tallest Sunflower Growers to verify the height and the winners in both categories will be announced shortly afterwards.

Good luck!

Chrissy Still
Chrissy Still
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