Win a Rugby Ball and how to keep your two front teeth
World Cup frenzy

Everyone appears to have World Cup frenzy and for a change it's not Football but Rugby. The Fanzone appears to have been a real hit in Northernhay Gardens and Exeter Central Station across the road from us is buzzing when there is a decent game on.
I've managed to get my hands on a Rugby World Cup Ball signed by the Exeter Chiefs which we are going to raffle off in aid of Force our local cancer charity. Tickets are £1 and can be obtained from the Dental Practice. This is a raffle open to everyone so please tell your friends and neighbours as the more we can raise for Force the better.
Obviously when playing any contact sport a mouth guard or gum shield is absolutely vital and we are often asked why a custom- made one is so much better than the ones you can buy in your local sports shop, leave in hot water for a bit and then try to chew on without burning your mouth.
Well, with a custom made mouth guard you won't burn your mouth for a start! The British Dental Health Foundation can answer all your questions about mouth guards and we can make one for you at the Practice. It's a quick and easy process - the biggest decision is whether to have a single colour and if so which, or harlequin colours or even whether to have your name imprinted on it (particularly useful for young boys!!)
If you would like to have a custom made mouth guard then please give us a ring at the practice and we will sort one out for you. They might be more expensive than an 'off the shelf' one but what price can you put on keeping your own front teeth?