Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment is a painless process and patients can walk away and go to work that afternoon

1 What does root canal treatment involve?
Meticulously cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth and then filling it to prevent infection.2 How many appointments are needed for root canal treatment?
One to two 60-90 minute appointments.3 How much does root canal treatment cost?
Dependant on the tooth and treatment -between £867 - £1054
What is a Root Canal?
For teeth with large fillings, deep decay or those that are traumatised the nerve can die which in turn can lead to a toothache or even an abscess.
In such instances, as an alternative to removing the tooth we will recommend a root filling or root canal therapy as it is also known. This involves cleaning out the inside root space of the tooth and filling it with a rubber like material called gutta percha.
The root canal treatment procedure can be technically demanding and take one or two long appointments, but the end result of saving a tooth is preferable to a gap.
Due to the inherent weakening of a root filled tooth, we often recommend that such teeth are subsequently crowned in order to help protect the remaining tooth structure.
Claire Jordan does all our root canal treatments using a state of the art Zeiss microscope which ensures optimal quality and a better long term prognosis.
To enquire about Root Canal treatments, please call us on 01392 278843 or contact us via our online form.