
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental Care
Dental Clinic
Dental Treatments
Dentistry Costs
Emergency Dentist
- Regular Check-ups with your Dentist
- The Big Brush Club
- Dental Emergencies
- Tooth Decay in Children
- Sudden Severe Toothache? You Need To See A Dentist
- The changing face of Invisalign
- Sugars and Tooth Decay
- Brushing Your Teeth Left-Handed
- Plant-Based Diets and Your Oral Health
- Join the Trend and Get Help Stopping Smoking
- Toothpaste Tube 'Markings' Conspiracy
- Traditional Braces vs. Clear Aligners
- How Can An Endodontist Help You?
- 32co - The Future of Clear Aligners
- Health Issues That Stem From Teeth
- Stress and Your Teeth
- Should you have your teeth whitened during pregnancy?
- Oral Surgery
- Wisdom Tooth Pain – Causes and remedies
- Gum Disease Treatment
- Gum Disease Symptoms & Diagnosis
- What Exactly Are Dental Implants?
- We will be closed on Monday 19th September for The Queen’s funeral.
- Common Oral Health Mistakes
- Fizzy Water and Your Teeth
- How To Remove Plaque From Teeth
- Everything You Needed To Know About Wisdom Teeth
- How To Fix A Chipped Tooth
- Should You Brush Your Teeth Before Or After Breakfast?
- Flossing vs Interdental Brushes
- Top Tips for a Plastic-Free Bathroom
- An Honest Guide to Teeth Straightening
- Do you have Gum Disease?
- Hand Scaling and Covid-19
- Is fear making you neglect your teeth?
- Dental Health and Fighting Covid-19
- Guidelines and what to expect
- ‘Key working’ Easter bunny is heading your way!
- Adriana Vidal - Orthodontics
- Dr Claire Jordan - Endodontics
- Report reveals the devastating impact of mouth cancer
- Spoilt for choice?
- A day in the life of a Dental Nurse
- Children eat three times as much sugar as they should...
- Anyone fancy 39 teaspoons of sugar in one go?
- It's Stoptober and now's your chance to quit smoking for good - FACT
- All the best challenges start on a Monday!
- Do you really want to be Sugar Smart?
- Ready, Steady, Sugar Free BAKE!
- Smile - You're never too old to have straight teeth!
- Why you shouldn't reach for the sugary drinks when the sun is out!
- Facts and figures on the impact of Gum Health
- Europerio 2018
- Why the Russians are grinning from ear to ear during the World Cup
- Get your PJ's on
- It's all about to kick off.....
- Health begins with healthy gums
- ....now bite into the raisin
- Valentines Day Puckering Up Tips
- We're hiring
- The Best Way To Whiten Teeth
- Over 500 Sunflowers Growing In Exeter City for Charity!
- Exeter’s Enormous Sunflower Growing Competition - Funny Video Included!
- Kick sugar and go sugar-free
- Daily Mail reports link between gum disease and T2 diabetes
- Sugar Smart
- Sugar Smart Exeter
- I’m dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I used to know
- Reverse Advent Calendar
- What's been happening at Life this week
- Why your dentist would always choose a gold inlay
- Sugar Free September epic fail
- Why you should consider tooth whitening
- Winners of our Sunflower Growing competition
- Sunflower Competition
- Sugar Free September, yep, I’ll give it a go!
- Enormous Sunflower Competition
- Two awards in less than a week
- Our guide to electric toothbrushes
- The sugar tax and you
- Brush your teeth to prevent Alzheimer's
- Get a Humble Brush
- Don't be scared, come on in
- A cup of sugar to go anyone?
- Why we don't offer you a cup of coffee
- A spoon full of sugar might not help the medicine go down
- Can you eat your way to better mental health?
- By gum - it would appear we're getting it right!
- Toothbrush squatting - the latest craze?!
- Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how beautiful your branches!
- Ben's Special Advent Calendar....no chocolate involved!
- Ben's top 24 - yes 24!! benefits of gum treatment
- We have real Poppy Appeal
- The day we all became dementia friends
- Latest Research from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology
- And the winner is...everyone!
- Exeter - the new California?
- Win a Rugby Ball and how to keep your two front teeth
- No teeth chattering at the World Bellyboard Championships
- It's just a 'trip to France treat'
- 4 points for LION when Ben is game hunting
- Jaws all over again
- It's a dog's life
- Mr Motivator and his long lost six pack
- It's just a choc ice on a stick at triple the price
- Black is the new white?
- Eat healthily, get active, prevent diabetes - simple!
- Keeeeeep Smiling!
- The truth about your teeth - Part 1